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Parks Directory of the United States, 8th Ed.

Parks Directory of the United States, 8th Ed.



8½ x 11

1,184 Pages

January 2023


Parks Directory of the United States is a one-stop, comprehensive reference source to more than 5,900 national and state parks and other designated recreational, scenic, and historic areas in the United States and Canada. The directory includes parks, forests, wildlife refuges, and recreation areas administered by the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Federal Highway Administration, state and municipal park agencies, and Parks Canada. Parks Directory comprises updated information for each site, including acreage, location, facilities, activities, special features, established date, contact information and other key details. It also highlights details on entrance pass programs, job, career, and volunteer opportunities.

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